## version $VER: ARC.catalog 1.0 (25.05.98) ## chunk AUTH Thomas Nordh och Jon slund ## language svenska ## codeset 0 MSG_MenuTitle1 Projekt ;Project MSG_MenuItem1_1 Om... ;About... MSG_MenuItem2_1 ppna ReadMe ;Load ReadMe MSG_MenuItem3_1 Avsluta ;Quit MSG_MenuTitle2 ;Help! MSG_MenuItem1_2 Vad ska st var... ;How can I... MSG_Gad1 Skapa ReadMe! ;Create ReadMe ! MSG_Gad2 ggsbeskrivning ;Additional Desc. MSG_Gad3 Arkivinfo ;Archive Info MSG_AslTitleSave lj fil att skapa .readme till: ;Please select the file to create the .readme for: MSG_AslTitleLoad lj .readme att ppna: ;Please select the readme to load: MSG_AslGadPosSave ;Selected MSG_AslGadNegSave m det... ;Forget it... MSG_WindowTitleSaving Var god v nta... Skapar .readme-fil... ;Please wait... Creating .readme file... MSG_WindowTitleInitAIL Var god v nta... L ser Aminet index-lista... ;Please wait... Reading Aminet Index List... MSG_AboutTitle Om ARC ;About ARC MSG_ErrorTitle ARC - Fel: ;ARC - Error: MSG_ErrorType Typen, som du har angett, st ds inte! ;The Type spec. you've entered ;is not supported ! MSG_ErrorCreate Posterna 'Short', 'Uploader',\n'Author' och 'Type' m ste vara ifyllda f r\natt skapa en .readme-fil!!! ;The items 'Short', 'Uploader', ;'Author' and 'Type' have to be specified ;to create a .readme file !!! MSG_ErrorLoadType Den anv nda 'typen' i .readme-filen finns inte i typlistan.\nKontrollera detta! ;The used 'Type' in this readme doesn't exist in the types list. ;Check this ! MSG_ErrorLoad Kan inte l sa .readme! ;Unable to load readme ! MSG_QuestTitleAddDesc ARC - Fr ;ARC - Question: MSG_QuestBodyAddDesc En till ggsbeskrivning finns redan!\nVad vill du g ;An additional Desc. already exists ! ;What do you want to do ? MSG_QuestGadsAddDesc ndra|Radera|Avbryt ;Modify|Delete|Cancel MSG_QuestBodyLoadReadme Data kommer att g rlorad! ;Actual data will be lost ! MSG_QuestGadsLoadReadme Ok|Avbryt ;Ok|Cancel MSG_Wnd1ScrTitle Onlinehj lp aktiv... ;Online help active...